PBD10202: ENGLISH II Essay, IIUM, Malaysia Steph Was Looking At Instagram There Were Blessed Yoga Photos And Sunday Breakfast Pictures

Subject PBD10202: ENGLISH II


Title: True Beauty
Author: Nicola Prentis

Steph was looking at Instagram. There were #blessed yoga photos and #SundayBreakfast pictures. She saw photos of fresh bread and coffee with hearts in the milk.

On the other side of the city, Matt was doing the same thing. His Instagram was full of #FitBody gym selfies and #beachlife holiday photos.

Steph put some flowers next to her breakfast and took a photo of it. Her eggs and coffee were cold now, but the plate looked good. The plate was from an expensive art market. She had ‘borrowed’ the flowers from her neighbour’s garden. Probably only ten people a day walked past old Mrs Robinson’s garden. Flowers are for everyone to enjoy, aren’t they? she thought. If she put the picture on Instagram, more people would see the flowers.

Steph changed the colours on her picture to make the orange juice more orange and the pink roses brighter. She was choosing an Instagram filter when she noticed TrueBeauty. She had downloaded it the day before and then forgotten about it. Her picture looked perfect with that filter. She posted the photo for her 15k followers. She hoped some of them would feel jealous of her life. Then she threw the food on her plate into the bin. She didn’t want to eat it now that it was cold.